The Joy Diet: 10 Daily Practices for a Happier Life by Martha N. Beck
Kimberly Reilly
March 7, 2018

Welcome to The Joy Diet, a menu of ten behaviors you can add to your way of living and thinking to enhance every day’s journey through the unpredictable terrain of your existence. You can add these behaviors gradually and watch your life become steadily more vivid and satisfying.
The ten menu items are:

Nothing: Do nothing for fifteen minutes a day. Stop mindlessly chasing goals and figure out which goals are worth going after.

Truth: Create a moment of truth to help you unmask what you’re hiding” from others and from yourself.

Desire: Identify, articulate, and explore at least one of your heart’s desires”and learn how to let yourself want what you want.

Creativity: Learn six new ways to develop at least one new idea to help you obtain your heart’s desire.

Risk: Take one baby step toward reaching your goal. The only rule is it has to scare the pants off you.

Treats: Give yourself a treat for every risk you take and two treats just because you’re you. No exceptions. No excuses.

Play: Take a moment to remember your real life’s work and differentiate it from the games you play to achieve it. Then play wholeheartedly.

Laughter: Laugh at least thirty times a day. Props encouraged.

Connection: Use your Joy Diet skills to interact with someone who matters to you.

Feasting: Enjoy at least three square feasts a day, with or without food.

No matter what your long-term goals are, The Joy Diet, written with Martha Beck’s inimitable blend of
wisdom, practical guidance, and humor, will help you achieve the immediate gift of joyful living in the here
and now. Begin your journey today.

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Happiness Is A Choice…”Your” Choice (How To Be Happy With Yourself) by Dawn Christine
Kimberly Reilly
March 7, 2018

Marriage can be joyful, fulfilling and amazing! You can learn how to be
happy in your marriage or relationship by focusing on the good. I have
compiled numerous tips and quotes to help you discover how happy your
relationship can be and how to stay happy throughout your marriage to
make it a successful and happy union.

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Being Happy by David Tuffley
Kimberly Reilly
March 7, 2018

True happiness, lasting happiness is within everyone’s grasp through a process known as Self-Actualisation, a natural state within the reach of everyone. This kind of happiness cannot be obtained through the acquisition of things. The fleeting gratification in getting things is not true happiness. That is an illusion created by our global consumer society.


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100 Greatest Feelings in the World by Clarence Rector
Kimberly Reilly
March 7, 2018

Ever hear someone say, “This is the greatest feeling in the world!” ? Was that really the greatest feeling in the world? Probably not but have you often wondered what is the greatest feeling in the world? Clarence Rector takes an amusing look at the top greatest feelings in the world.


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Positive Thinking Secret That Will Enrich Your Life by Milena Coin
Kimberly Reilly
March 7, 2018

You’re about to discover how to discover a proven strategy on how to start thinking positive and generating positive thoughts for the rest of your life. Millions of people suffer from heaving depression and bad thoughts, which prohibits them from generating positive ideas that would drive them forward. Bad habit of heaving depression and accepting thoughts is the reason why people throw away their finances and destroy their family’s future through this destructive habit. Most people realize how much of a problem this is, but are unable to change their thoughts and attitude, simply because it’s been a part of their lifestyle for so long.

The truth is, if you are suffering from depression and not heaving ability to generate positive thoughts , it is because you are lacking an effective strategy and haven’t yet changed your associations to your not ability to start thinking positive and heaving positive thoughts. This positive attitude book not only will help you to start generating healthy thoughts and becoming positive all around, but also will tell you the secret of being happy.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…
What is Positive Thinking Why Think Positive Positive Thinking vs Negative Thinking How to Think Positive How Meditation Helps to Start Thinking Positive How to Enrich Your Thoughts with Positivity How to Surround Yourself With Positivity Much, much more!
Take action right away to start thinking positively and generating positive thoughts today by downloading, “Positive Thinking Secret That Will Enrich Your Life”, for a limited time only!

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Attitudes of Gratitude: How to Give and Receive Joy Every Day of Your Life by M.J. Ryan
Kimberly Reilly
March 7, 2018

This is a collection of essays and practical suggestions for anyone who wants to focus on the joy and satisfaction in their everyday life. Candid and story-filled, this book encourages the reader to see the full rather than the empty half of the glass.


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Positive Attitude – Key To Success by Dan Miller
Kimberly Reilly
March 7, 2018

Positive mental attitude is a concept that has been developed in many areas of life as a key to success. In 1937, Napoleon Hill introduced the importance of positive thinking in the book Think and Grow Rich. Later on, other scholars such as W. Clement Stone found positive mental attitude as a very critical component to personal success and productivity. The right mental attitude is associated with positive characteristics such as hope, courage, faith, optimism, generosity, initiative, tolerance, kindliness, tact and good common sense. Positive attitude is more of a philosophy that builds on the fact that having an optimistic disposition in any circumstance of life can help you in enhancing achievement and positive changes. It is a state of mind that tirelessly seeks for ways of victory regardless of the surrounding circumstances. Positivity by its mere definition opposes negativity, hopelessness and defeatism.

To develop mental strength, you need deliberate measures and commitment. A resilient mind is one that never loses focus even when subjected to the most stressful conditions. Mental toughness will help you maneuver through stress and emerge stronger than before. A mental attitude is the bridge that connects success and failure. On one end of the bridge is failure which is characterized by negativity while on the other end it is success which is denoted by a positive attitude. At any one given time, individuals are between the two points emotionally. They are at liberty to swing towards any end but they must also be ready to bear the consequences. It is true that you can overcome negativity but you must be determined. Having a clear understanding of the end result can motivate you to changing you from negativity into positivity. It is possible to turn situations of failure into success. With a positive attitude, your setback can be a setup for a comeback.Difficult times come to each one of us without a introduction. These situations can sink us deeper leaving us more depressed and devastated internally. Being positive in life will help you to handle these circumstances and find a way around them. This is because a positive attitude gives you a unique dimension that takes into account the storm that you are currently passing through and the lull that is imminent immediately after the storm is over. With these two perspectives, you can develop a coping strategy that has both endurance and hope knowing that good times are still ahead.

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101 Daily Thoughts and Affirmations to Create Positive Change by Michael Austin Jacobs
Kimberly Reilly
March 7, 2018

This eBook is designed to guide you from a place of limits and negativity to a place of mass abundance and positivity. This book holds hidden knowledge that can transform your current thought patterns and bring you to a place where all your desires manifest. If you apply the thoughts and affirmations throughout this book, you will be able to create a massively positive change within your life.

For free meditations, go to:

These thoughts have helped me expand my awareness and, in doing so, have helped me change the focus and direction of my life. Many individuals in today’s society have convinced themselves that they cannot find happiness or they do not have the ability to live in abundance. Whether out of fear or pure ignorance (probably a mix of both), these people choose to live in misery and have accepted the “victim” mentality.

This book was created to help guide individuals out of these states of fear and into a state of love and happiness. When one connects with the present moment, they connect with this abundance and joy. The tips and affirmations throughout this book are based off spiritual principles meant to help you live in the present moment.
In this book, we will discuss:

If you find these principles and affirmations helpful or life changing, please leave a review or email me. I would love to hear your experience.

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A Positive Thought For Every Day by Windy Dryden
Kimberly Reilly
March 7, 2018

Using the Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) to create a strategy for every-day meditation, the author of this book contends that these thought strategies are integral to a happy, healthy and well-balanced life. (more…)

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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey
Kimberly Reilly
March 7, 2018

Author: Stephen R. Covey

When Stephen Covey first released The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, the book became an instant rage because people suddenly got up and took notice that their lives were headed off in the wrong direction; and more than that, they realized that there were so many simple things they could do in order to navigate their life correctly. This book was wonderful education for people, education in how to live life effectively and get closer to the ideal of being a ‘success’ in life.

But not everyone understands Stephen Covey’s model fully well, or maybe there are some people who haven’t read it yet. This is definitely true because we still see so much failure all around us. Now, I am not saying that by using Covey’s model, or anyone else’s model for that matter, you can become a sure-shot success, but at least we should have seen many more successes around us already judging by the number of copies the book has sold! So, where is the shortcoming?

There are two main problems here, and we are talking only about the people who have read the book already. The first problem is that most people are too lazy to implement the ideals of Stephen Covey in their lives. They consider his masterpiece of a book as a mere coffee-table book or a book that you use for light reading when you are traveling and then forget all about it. They do not realize that this book contains life-changing information. Or, they take the information and do not make the effort to actually utilize it so that it becomes knowledge for them.

The second problem is that a lot of people have a myopic view of Covey’s ideals. These are people who are impressed by the book already. If you ask them what the seven habits are, they can rattle them off end to end, but then they miss the larger picture. They do not understand that Covey was trying to tell more than he wrote in words. There are hidden implications in this book, yes, and a lot of people have just failed to see through them.

That is what we are trying to do. We are trying to show you how Covey’s book, or rather, his model, was a complete model in itself. There was nothing amiss about it. If you implement it, there should be no aspect of your life that should go untouched. The only thing is that you have to understand these ideals and try to implement them in your life.

But, before we barge into that area, it is extremely important to understand what these ideals are. What was the model that was propounded by Stephen Covey in his mega-famous book? We shall begin by trying to understand his model first, and then interpret it in such a way that it pertains to every aspect of our life.

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