Smile Miles


Smile Miles are store credits that you earn through sharing content on our site or teaming up with our Affiliate Program by referring others to our site. See Affiliate Program.

To inspire participants to share Random Smiles of Niceness, we offer Smile Mile Points for participation and contributions each day, and provide additional bonus points at each end of month to the Smile Miles member who shared the most smiles. We also have contests rewarding extra Smile Miles points and $ to those who received the most smiles, i.e., likes for their shares. You, of course, determine the winner with your smiles, i.e., likes!! Look for random smile contest postings!

Thankfully, we always have time to smile, it’s free and it is universally understood. Earn Smile Miles with each share!!

We all smile in the same language. Smilingual is the Universal Language of Nice. No translation is required.

Thank you for sharing your smile!

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